Jerry Wingate, at it Again?

Last updated 07 March, 2007

It looks like Jerry Wingate is involved in yet another fiasco. If you are not familiar with the first fiasco please read my SCD story so you understand just how bad the first one was.

This is the jest of what I have come to understand, though I am still learning about the situation and can call none of this fact as of today:

Jerry and someone named Mike Dockery started a publication called Speedway Club Luxury Living. It appears to be a subsidiary under the Sales Leadership Council (SLC). At this point I'm not even sure the SLC is a legitimate setup or just a front for the current situation. Jerry and Mike solicited for advertisers, accepted the advertisers money and now are apparently filing for bankruptcy after what looks like liquidating the assets and giving no money back to the advertisers. At this time the County Sheriff can not locate Mike Dockery as he has apparently skipped town. I'm not sure of the current location of Jerry Wingate as I have never physically tried to track him down.

There seems to be a trend here. If Jerry Wingate is involved in any business, that business has problems. Is he incompetent? Is he a crook? Is he naive? Is he an idiot? Does he give a damn about the people who lose real money in his fiascos? I think there are many questions we could ask with many different answers but the bottom line is that if Jerry Wingate is associated with a business or person your best bet is to just stay away from it/them.

As the facts of the situation come in along with lawsuit results I will do my best to keep everyone informed and hopefully these words will help someone...anyone...out there not fall into the traps of such people and have their lives ruined.